Mountain Trekking Safaris

Tanzania Mountain Trekking Safaris


4 Days Trekking Mt Meru

This is Tanzania’s second highest mountain standing at 4566m and like any other mountain requires acclimatization. We use Momela route, which leads to the summit.

Day 1: Arusha to Momela then Miriakamba (2514m)

Drive from Arusha to Momela gate for clearance and start the trek, which takes you to a junction to choose between a long but more interesting forest route and a short but less scenic route. It takes 4/5 hrs [1000m] ascent to Miriakamba hut[2514m].

Day 2: Miriakamba to Saddle Hut

After breakfast, trek for 3 hrs [4km] to Saddle hut through steep pleasant glades and trees via Buffalo Swamp. Take the side trips to the Little Meru and the Rhino Point[3820m] if you deem fit. Dinner and overnight at the hut.

Day 3: Saddle Hut to Meru Summit and Descent

Early morning rise to trek 4/5 hrs to the Summit [1000m] and return via Saddle hut to Miriakamba Hut for dinner and overnight.

Day 4: Miriakamba to Momela and Arusha

After breakfast, trek down the last bit of the mountain to the gate to pick your certificate and be transferred to Arusha where the tour ends.

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