
Nairobi Excursions


Kibera Slum Tour

Kibera slum & Nairobi Slums Day tour is a half day walking excursion from Nairobi to Kibera slum –the second largest urban slum in Africa and most welcoming for day tours. 0900 Hours: Kibera Slum & Nairobi Slums day tour starts with a pick up from your Nairobi hotel.W e will drive up Ngong road past the Kenyatta national hospital and uchumi supermarket. Turn left at the former nakumatt and drive towards the DO office. The Kibera slum walking tour starts from the DO’s office compound through the Bombolulu stage to the main Kibera slum thoroughfare road (3km) long. You will visit the main Soweto village homes and the curio workshops where you will see the people of Kibera making ornaments out of carved animal bones collected from the area butcheries. A pass through the area nursery schools to mingle with kids and to the water vendor and communal shower shops and mingle with the slum dwellers on their daily chores. We will turn right past the roadside fish mongers and to the bioga


Nairobi City Hotels, Nairobi City

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